Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pumpkin Pie Day

Our pumpkin pie day turned out great! 
We started by learning how to write "how-to texts."  These texts are non-fictional pieces.  They instruct us on how to do something.  We wrote a paper about "How to Make a Pumpkin Pie."  Students just guessed on these papers.  They turned out pretty cute.  One student said, "First, go to Walmart.  Next, find the pie section.  Then, buy the pie.  Lastly, take it home and eat it."  On Thanksgiving morning, that was sounding pretty good to me. ☺

Students then learned how to write a recipe.  They wrote the entire recipe of how to make a pumpkin pie from scratch.  On pumpkin pie day, students had to follow the recipe, all on their own.  They did fantastic and had so much fun!  It was a great experience.



Thank you so much to all of the parents who donated supplies, and especially thanks to those who donated their time.  Students were able to create a wonderful...and delicious...second grade memory.  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


In math, we are focusing on geometry skills.  Students have learned different 2d and 3d shapes and their attributes.  Also, we just finished our second reading unit, "How do animals play a part in the world around us?"  This project was perfect for our reading and geometry units.  Students began by studying habitats.  Each group was given a specific habitat to study.  They came up with facts about the area and animals that live there.  They wrote their facts on papers, that were then turned into dodecahedrons.  They turned out very well!

Do you know the attributes of a dodecahedron?