Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Guest Blogger...Bilal Makaradze

we have started our class blog and it was very fun we had a group of  kids it was very fun we wacthed it and it was very cool

Guest Blogger...Brendan Eccles

School is fun. I really enjoy it. I love everything about it. Recces hasn't been going that great because my friend hasn't been following the rules at kickball. He is my best friend though so i am just going to play with him anyways. He is always making horrible calls just so his team wins.When I am on his team it is more fun. I usually go to his house on Mondays. Anyway we do a lot of fun school work and my class is very lucky to have the nicest teacher at my school.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day

This year, since there is no school on Friday, we will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13th. I have sent home a list of the names of the children in our class as well as a list that gives lots of ideas for Valentine's candy that would be acceptable to bring into our classroom.  Please be sure to follow this list.  I really appreciate your cooperation when it comes to dealing with allergies in our classroom.  I am sure the students who suffer from food allergies also appreciate it!  If you have any questions on what to bring, please contact me.