Friday, January 30, 2015

Field Trip...

The second grade is currently working on a unit in our Wonder's Reading series called "What have you learned about the world that surprises you?" Several of the stories in this unit discuss the weather. 
We will be taking a fieldtrip to KMVT to visit their newsroom and weather station.  We are excited to provide this opportunity to our kids.  The following is information you will need to know for that field trip:
  • Classes will be going individually.  Mrs. Brown's class will go on Friday, February 20, 2015.
  • We will leave the school at 10:30.  Before leaving students will be provided with a snack.
  • We will be at KMVT until 1:00. 
  • Students will miss their lunch while on this field trip.  Please send your student to school with a sack lunch on the day of the fieldtrip.  Students will eat upon returning to school.
  • If you are interested in attending this fieldtrip, please talk to your child's teacher.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy Un-birthday

Thank you to the sweet room mother helpers.  They were so kind to remember that my birthday is in the summer (July 26th), and I never get to celebrate during the school year.  They gave me a "half" birthday party today.  We celebrated with donuts!!  I received flowers, balloons, cards, and a gift card to go out and eat.  I am so thankful for the wonderful families in our class.  Each family this year has gone above and beyond to help me or someone in our class.  I love this group of students so much.  Thanks again to the mothers who were involved.  It was a great surprise!


Spelling Bee...

The Twin Falls School District decided to do a district wide spelling bee this year.  Each class has it's own spelling bee.  There were many brave students in our class who chose to participate.  I was very proud of them. 

The top three students will participate in a school wide spelling bee, where the winners will compete in a district wide spelling bee.
Good luck to our top three spellers!!
Way to go Lorenzo, Noah, and Quinn!


Monday, January 5, 2015

The Holidays...

How do the holidays come and go so quickly?  I hope that your holiday was spent enjoying friends and family and relaxing as much as possible.  Our class had such a great time in December.  The play was so fun.  The rest of the week after the play was fast and furious.  We tried to get in as much regular curriculum academic work as possible, as well as a few fun activities. 
One day, we participated in a Christmas exchange with the other classes.  Students rotated through the second grade classrooms to do crafts, play games, and sing songs.  In our classroom, the second graders became cute reindeer...
 and goofy reindeer!

 We had a great class party.  I really appreciate all of the hard work that room mothers put in to make our parties so fun!  They run smooth and the kids love them.  This party had a Christmas tree ornament craft, a marshmallow toss game, and yummy treats.

Who doesn't love a visit from Santa Claus??  Ho! Ho! Ho!

As the holidays come to a close, I hope that you take some time to reflect on this past year...the good and the bad.  Enjoy all the greatness and take the opportunity to set goals to make the bad better. 
Merry Christmas!