Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Read and Feed

Our class Read and Feed was a success.  There was some reading and plenty of feeding!  It was a fun day.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

And the Winner is......

Congratulations to Brendan Eccles for winning the second grade spelling bee.  He spelled "avalanche" to win the contest.  He competed against the top three spellers in each second grade class.  An honorable mention goes to Nathan Ellsworth, also in our class, for getting second place!

Guest Blogger...Jesse James Ricks

I love Mrs.Browns class becaus you can do really fun things!You should go to my class.

Guest Blogger...Ashlyn Wagner

at school we are learning about verbs nouns and adjectives. my favorite subjects are math reading
and verbs.for specials  today I have library.yesterday  for is my dad is bringing treats in for my birthday today.yesterday I celebrated my birthday with my mom yesterday.

Guest Blogger...Trinity Harmon

Mrs.Brown is the best techer I now.she is a fun techer .And she is funny too! I love her as my techer . Mrs.Brown is a vary vary vary funny techer.When school begins we do the pledge. when school is over on Friday we go outsied. she is a riley cool techer.I love you as my techer.

AR Reward

Ashlyn got 25 AR points and earned the right to read to a first grade class.  She chose to read Where's My T-R-U-C-K?" by Karen Beaumont.  She read to Mrs. Hart's class.  She said it went well and was fun.  Mrs. Hart was Ashlyn's second grade teacher.  She said she loves having her students come back to read to her class.  Great job Ashlyn!

Guest Blogger...Natalie Drury

Hi my name is Natalie.I love 2nd grade.I have a great teacher.She is pretty,nice,and fun. My best friend is Gabby.I will miss you guys By p.s waaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa

Guest Blogger...Laci Carlson

I love 2nd  grade. I love my teacher. Guess who my best friend is .....  EVERY  BODY.

My favrite  subject is MATH . My favrite  speshel  is P.E.

Spelling Bee

Yesterday, our class had a spelling bee.  Brendan was the top speller in the class.  Today, we will take the top three spellers from our class and compete in a spelling bee with the top spellers from each second grade class.  Good luck to Brendan, Nathan, and Ashlyn!